Malibu Whole Foods and the Park Shopping Center

Impact Sciences prepared an EIR for the development of two parcels totaling 5.88 acres to include a Whole Foods Market and four small commercial buildings, for a total of five buildings, in the City of Malibu. The project has been completed, as of December 2019. The project  includes tenant spaces, outdoor dining, a central surface parking area, and pedestrian and open space amenities. The project also includes an accessible play area with a sensory playground, water features, and native plantings. Each of the four additional buildings include an adjacent outdoor eating area. Approximately 25 percent (or 64,024 square feet) of the site is improved open space, including the outdoor dining areas and play areas of which 19,266 square feet of planted open space are included.

The area surrounding the project site includes shopping centers, restaurants, City and County government buildings and recreational uses, including the Malibu Creek and Lagoon located to the south and west of the project site. The City’s recently completed Legacy Park, including native habitats, advanced storm water and urban runoff treatment systems and extensive pedestrian enhancements is located immediately across Civic Center Way from the project site.

The City of Malibu is not currently served by a public sewer system. Therefore, individual development projects must provide their own on-site wastewater treatment systems. Rather than construct its own wastewater treatment system, the Whole Foods project connects to the City’s planned Civic Center centralized wastewater treatment system.

Learn more about the completed project by visiting The Park at Cross Creek.