Impact Sciences, a sponsor of the World Family Foundation (WFF), is proud to announce its support of one scholarship recipient who will receive financial aid to attend pre-university college (equivalent to 11th and 12th grades).

The WFF traces its history to 1999, after a devastating cyclone hit Orissa, India. The disaster destroyed villages, leaving families unable to obtain basic necessities and many orphaned children without support. In response to the aftermath and at the request of the local government, Founder Elizabeth Burnett expanded the existing Prashanti Preschool Chatasalis tutoring program into the Indian non-profit Prashanti School. In 2002, to meet the school’s growing needs, the WFF was established in Ojai, California, to raise funds and manage individual sponsorships of children in India.

This year’s scholarship recipient, Puja, is a 17-year-old student from the Chickballapur area near Bangalore, India. An excellent student, Puja is starting her first two years of pre-university college. Through hard work and diligence, she placed well on her entrance exams and has chosen to attend a school that aligns with her personal values: upholding the importance of truth, right action, peace, love, non-violence, and service.

Impact Sciences’ sponsorship through WFF will cover room and board, books, uniforms, and daily living expenses for two years. The young scholar has also been granted a separate scholarship that will cover tuition costs.

Impact Sciences’ own core values highlight providing tools to succeed. It is proven that education can empower children to become leaders, giving them greater influence later in life as  decision makers in our global community. Certainly, young women play a vital role in uplifting and improving our international community. Therefore, Impact Sciences is honored to support the journey of talented youth leaders around the world. We are incredibly proud of Puja and wish her much success and prosperity with her academic adventures.

Do you have ideas on improving youth education and pathways to leadership in our global community? Drop us a line at We’d love to hear from you!