Haciendas Phase III and IV Project

Haciendas Phase 3 and 4 Project

In 2014, Impact Sciences completed an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) under CEQA and Environmental Assessment (EA) under NEPA for the Haciendas Phase III and IV project, an affordable multi-family residential development proposed on a 2.1-acre site in the City of Salinas. The project sponsor proposed the removal of the existing residential buildings on the project site and construction of a 50-unit apartment complex for low-income families (Phase III) on the eastern portion of the project site and a 41-unit apartment complex for low-income elderly households (Phase IV) on the western portion of the project site. The proposed project also included a surface parking with the Phase III component providing 80 on-site parking spaces (two handicap accessible) and the Phase IV component providing 30 on-site parking spaces (one handicap accessible). Key environmental issues studied in the IS/MND and EA included traffic, air quality, and noise impacts.