County of Los Angeles Whittier Narrows Splashpad Project IS/MND
For the County of Los Angeles, Impact Sciences prepared a CEQA Compliance Memo and Notice of Exemption for the Whittier Narrows Splash Pad Project. The project includes construction of a new regional splash pad to provide interactive water play features and activities for all age groups. The project also includes improvements to the existing parking lot and pathways with a dedicated pre-fab restroom building for Americans with Disabilities Act compliance. The project is a major component of County of Los Angeles Department of Parks & Recreation’s Countywide “re:Play Program.” Additionally, Impact Sciences prepared Air Quality and Noise & Vibration technical reports, while also facilitating the Cultural Resources Technical Report prepared by a subconsultant partner. Impact Sciences found the proposed project to be categorically except from CEQA compliance due to the project posing no significant environmental impacts.