The Los Angeles City Planning Department is embarking on one of the City’s largest planning initiatives to date: re:code LA, a comprehensive revision of LA’s outdated zoning code. First adopted in 1946, the current Code has grown from a simple, 84-page pamphlet to an unwieldy, 600+ page book that inadequately realizes a 21st Century vision of a better Los Angeles for all residents.

Over the next five years, the City will create a:

  • Dynamic Web-Based Zoning Code — Clear and predictable Code that better meets the City’s current and future needs, and that also provides an interactive on-line experience
  • Guide to Zoning — Quick reference, easy-to-read guide to the new Code’s land use and development regulations
  • Unified Downtown Development Code — New zoning tools customized for the heart of Los Angeles, Downtown

Impact Sciences is part of the Code Studios team based out of Austin, TX that will partner with the City of Los Angeles in preparing the new Zoning and Development Codes. Impact Sciences will be preparing the environmental documentation for the project.

You can find out more about the project and team here: