The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors’ voted to certify the One Valley One Vision (OVOV) Area Plan Program EIR. OVOV is a joint planning effort between the County of Los Angeles and the City of Santa Clarita. The City of Santa Clarita certified their General Plan Program EIR in June of 2011.

Impact Sciences was hired in 2007 to prepare two separate program EIRs for the OVOV General Plan/Area Plan effort for adoption by the City of Santa Clarita and the County of Los Angeles.

Each of the OVOV EIRs will be used for other valley-wide projects to tier-off of for future project-specific environmental documentation. The OVOV planning effort seeks to create a Valley of Villages in the Santa Clarita Valley. This planning effort will add about 79,000 additional dwelling units to the Santa Clarita Valley and has a goal to provide two jobs for every
housing unit.

Another major concept associated with the planning efforts is the idea of a greenbelt surrounding the City and County unincorporated areas.

This concept is partially implemented by preserve areas north and southeast of the City in the Angeles National Forest and Los Padres National Forest to the northwest of the City and north of unincorporated Los Angeles County.